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Medianeras – JW Freeston’s New Westminster

October 12, 2013

New Westminster -JW Freeston - 1923

The photograph above is just a detail from a larger view taken by John William Freeston in 1923, from the roof of the Trapp Building on Columbia Street, New Westminster.  Even so , it packs in a lot of history and interest.

You must go to the Vancouver Archives high-resolution version to fully appreciate the scope of the photo which covers a much larger area.

In this cut, the view ranges from Holy Trinity at top left corner, to the Fraser River Bridge, top right.   That is the old federal building at the corner of 6th, gone, but across from it is the building now housing Starbucks.

In the foreground are the two buildings recently lost in the fire. On the top of the Hamley Block there is a man near the front parapet who appears to be pulling on a rope.

And there are those medianeras.

medianeras - Dominion Hotel - New Westminster - JW Freeston 1923

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